When everything that seems random is actually connected... When love, choices, secrets, fortune tellers knit a story...

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Wednesday, 20 August 2008

New Blurb

Lupita dan Dani itu setali tiga uang. Ketika kecil, bertemu peramal di Pasar Gang Baru Semarang. Tumbuh menjadi anak cerdas berhati emas yang maniak olah raga dan membuat lawan jenis tergila-gila. Sayangnya, perbedaan usia membuat mereka menempuh jalan yang berbeda.

Caroline dan Hartono tidak habis pikir mengapa kedua ayah mereka menentang hubungan mereka. Padahal ayah Caroline dulunya menyukai Hartono. Situasi berdarah membuat rahasia yang sudah dipendam selama puluhan tahun harus tercurah.

Tidak semua kebetulan adalah kebetulan. Ada yang namanya takdir, ada yang namanya pilihan. Selain penuh pilihan, hidup juga penuh kejutan. Banyak hal acak yang sebenarnya terhubung oleh benang yang tak kelihatan.
Lupita and Dani are like two peas in a pot. During childhood, they met a fortune teller in Gang Baru Market, Semarang. Growing up, they were smart kids with the heart of gold. They were sports enthusiasts who drove the opposite sex crazy. Unfortunately, their age difference made them walk a different path.

Caroline and Hartono had never been able to think why their fathers opposed their relationship despite in the past Caroline's father did like Hartono. The bleeding situation made the secret kept for decades have to be revealed.

Not everything in this world is merely coincidence. There is fate, there is choice. Life is not just full of choices, it is also full of surprises. Many random things actually are connected with an invisible thread.

Saturday, 2 August 2008

Kalah cepat sama novelku Sydney Darling Harbour

Walau kontrak novel ini ditandatangani duluan, tapi Cupid memutuskan mengeluarkan novelku satunya dulu (Sydney Darling Harbour) karena trend marketnya lagi cocok buat yang itu. Jadi novel ini diundur gitu.

Tuesday, 22 July 2008

To submitters of the 2008 Man Asian Literary Prize

from Info
to Info
date Jul 22, 2008 12:07 PM
subject To submitters of the 2008 Man Asian Literary Prize

Dear submitter,

Thank you for your submission to the 2008 Man Asian Literary Prize. There was an overwhelming response from throughout Asia and the pool of submissions was extremely competitive.

However, we regret to inform you that your submission to this year’s Prize has not been included in the 2008 Longlist.

Please stay in touch via the Prize website for further updates. The Man Asian Literary Prize is an annual event and we hope that you will consider submitting a new work to the Prize in the future years.

Thank you once again.


Mary Lee

AdministratorMan Asian Literary Prize

Monday, 16 June 2008

Lock your heart (gembok bentuk hati)

Kemarin iseng nyari kantong wadah foto di Precious Moment, eh gak taunya nemu gembok berbentuk hati. Lah kok pas buat novel baru nanti... Jadi kubeli, sekalian bisa buat gembok tas tentengan (hand carry) kalau pas jalan-jalan...

Karena mantul, di foto ini jadi kelihatan deh kamera hp (Viewty) ditempeli stiker oleh-oleh Tokyo View hahaha

Sebenernya ada yang hitam, tapi aku suka Silver, lebih elegan, menurutku... Lagi sale, $2.95 (UP $5.95?)

Tulisan di dusnya: Heart shape combination lock, trendy made for traveling with style (weilah, kok gw bangetzzz hihihi)

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

confirmation e-mail

I am writing to confirm receipt of your submission to the 2008 Man Asian Literary Prize, which has been assigned a reference number: 20080308_002.


Mary Lee

Prize Administrator Man Asian Literary Prize

Saturday, 8 March 2008

Submitted to MAN Literary

I wonder whether they will give a receipt for the submission through e-mail. Anyway, finally, after a week of "rodi" aka "work till midnite due to workload" in the office, I manage to check through the translation (hope I didn't miss any error)...
Another thing to ponder: one of the judges (Adrienne Clarkson) has a memoir titled Heart Matters. Is it a coincidence that this novel of mine is titled Heart, Actually? Again, some coincidence is not merely a coincidence... Sometimes, it's all correlated...

The Rt Hon Adrienne Clarkson (Chair) was Governor-General of Canada from 1999 to 2005 and a judge of the 2006 Scotiabank Giller Prize. A leading figure in Canada's cultural life, Madame Clarkson has had a rich and distinguished career in broadcastingm journalism, the arts and public service. Her memoirs have been published under the title Heart Matters.

Monday, 3 March 2008

Translation done -- checking now

Phew, thank God that after all the disturbance, lack of energy, the hectic social-personal life and many other projects I have in hands, finally I manage to finish the English translation! Will check this ASAP and send it to MAN Literary website!

Sunday, 17 February 2008

Song: Take my life and let it be

Sekapur Sirih / Preface

Take my hands and let them move
At the impulse of Thy love
Take my feet and let them be
Swift and beautiful for Thee

Tanganku gerakkanlah
Kasih-Mu pendorongnya
Dan jadikan langkahku
Berkenan kepada-Mu

New Hearts

Take my love, my Lord, I pour
At Thy feet its treasure store
Take myself and I will be
Ever only for all Thee

Limpah ruah kasihku
Kuserahkan pada-Mu
Diriku seutuhnya
Milik-Mu selamanya

Heart of Gold

Take my silver and my gold
Not a mite I would withold
Take my intellect and use
Every power as Thou shalt choose

Harta kekayaanku
Jadi alat bagi-Mu
Akal, budi, dan kerja
Tuhan pergunakanlah

Saat semua terasa menyesakkan... When everything is too suffocating...

Take my will and make it Thine
It shall be no longer mine
Take my heart it is Thine own
It shall be Thy royal throne

Kehendak-Mu sajalah
Dalam aku terjelma
Jadikanlah hatiku
Takhta kebesaran-Mu

Sebuah Pengakuan -- A Confession

Take my life and let it be
Concecrated, Lord for Thee
Take my moments and my days
Let them flow in ceaseless praise

Tuhan ambil hidupku
Dan kuduskan bagi-Mu
Pun waktuku pakailah
Memuji-Mu selamanya

Apa yang keluar dari bibir... What comes out from the lips....

Take my voice and let me sing
Always only for my King
Take my lips and let them folled
With messages for Thee

Buatlah suaraku
Hanya mengagungkan-Mu
Dan sertakan lidahku
Jadi saksi bagi-Mu

Song: Oh Carol (Neil Sedaka)

Dua tokoh yang berbeda menyanyikan lagu ini... Satu di karaokean dengan cemprengnya (tapi itu berkesan).

Two different characters sang this song. One was in karaoke (memorable for the listener).

Oh, Carol, I am but a fool
Darling, I love you
though you treat me cruel
You hurt me and you made me cry
But if you leave me I will surely die

Satu lagi untuk pacarnya agar mengenalkan dirinya ke ayahnya...
The other one for his lover called Carol to introduce him to her father...

Darling, there will never be another
'Cause I love you so
Don't ever leave me
Say you'll never go
I will always want you for my sweetheart
No matter what you do
Oh, Carol, I'm so in love with you

Song: Tenda Biru (Desy Ratnasari)

Adegan: Lupita menyanyi keras-keras, mengingat nasib mantan pacar-pacar kakaknya.

Scene: Lupita sang her heart out loudly, in memory of his brother's ex girl friends...

Tanpa undangan, diriku kaulupakan. Tanpa utusan, diriku kautinggalkan. Tanpa bicara, kau buatku kecewa. Tanpa berdosa, kau buatku merana... Ku tak percaya, dirimu tega...

Without an invitation, you forget me. Without an ambassador, you leave me. Without talking, you make me disappointed. Without guilty, you make me feel miserable… I can’t believe, you have the heart to do this…

Wednesday, 16 January 2008

Will translate this for MAN Literary

Haha, I need a motivation to translate my own work. Here what I decide, I would translate Heart, Actually to English for MAN Literary competition, besides completing my other manuscripts. Deadline: 31 March 2008. Hope I can finish all before deadline.

Oh yeah, the reason I am translating Heart Actually is because the Asian values (read: Indonesian values) are more apparent (more serious haha) in Heart Actually. Sydney Pelabuhan Darling seems not really Asian (coz of the background). Memory & Destiny has not been sold out (to the publisher and the 2nd installment is still in progress). And, no manpower to help me hahaha

Wish me luck!