When everything that seems random is actually connected... When love, choices, secrets, fortune tellers knit a story...

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Tuesday, 4 December 2007

Pic for Author's Profile

Ini foto yang aku kirim buat profil pengarang Heart, Actually. Nggak tau ntar diapain sama Penerbit (dibalik, dilurusin, or diapain!).
Tapi aku suka karena ekspresi di foto sesuai dengan jalan cerita: ringan, gembira.
This pic is submitted for Author's Profile of Heart, Actually. No idea what the Publisher will do to this picture! Ireversed, aligned, or something like that!). But I like this picture because the expression matches with the story line: light hearted, happy.
Make up: Shiseido, Vivocity, Singapore
Hairstyle: kering sementara yang gagal (failed temp curls) hahaha

Monday, 3 December 2007


Tidak semua kebetulan adalah kebetulan. Ada yang namanya takdir, ada yang namanya pilihan. Hidup itu tidak hanya penuh pilihan, tapi juga penuh kejutan. Banyak hal yang kita kira acak, tapi sebenarnya semuanya ada terhubung dan sudah diatur oleh Yang Di Atas.

Lupita sepertinya mempunyai suratan takdir yang lancar-lancar saja. Paling tidak begitu kata peramal. Sekolah pintar, suami kaya raya. Di umur 21, mengenal dua orang pria yang bisa menawan hatinya, namun hanya satu yang dianggap tepat untuknya dan berhasil bertunangan di umur 22, menikah di usia 25 dan pada umur 26 melahirkan sepasang anak kembar. Namun di usianya yang ke-47, Lupita ditinggal mati suami tercintanya.

Namun tanpa disangkanya, si suami mengetahui ada pria lain yang selalu berada di relung hati Lupita dan menyuruhnya meraih kepingan hatinya itu.

Sementara itu Caroline tidak habis pikir mengapa ayahnya, Dr Daniel Sembada, menentang hubungannya dengan Hartono, yang notabene adalah anak mantan pasiennya, padahal menurut Dr Daniel sendiri, Hartono adalah anak yang baik. Ayah Hartono sendiri, Ongkodirjo – seorang milyarder, juga begitu membenci Dr Daniel, padahal istrinya, setelah menjalani perawatan dari Dr Daniel berhasil sembuh dari penyakitnya. Karena situasi yang semakin ruwet, Dr Daniel terpaksa membongkar rahasia yang sudah dipendamnya selama puluhan tahun.

Pada akhir novel ini, akan terkuak semua hubungan yang awalnya kita kira acak.
Not everything in this world is merely coincidence. There is fate, there is choice. Life is not just full of choices, it is also full of surprises. Many things we think they are random, but actually it has been determined by The Almighty.
Lupita looks like having a smooth sailing fate. At least that was what the fortune teller said. Good at school, filthy rich husband. At age 21, she knew two men who had smitten her heart, but there is only one who is considered right for her and they got engaged when she was 22, got married at 25, and had a pair of twin baby boys at 26. But at age 47, her beloved husband died.
But without her awareness, her husband knew there was another guy deep in her heart and he asked her to find that missing piece of heart.
Meanwhile, Caroline could not logic why her father, Dr Daniel Sembada, opposed her relationship with Hartono, his ex patient's son, although he said himself that Hartono is a good son. Hartono's father, Ongkodirjo – a billionaire, also hated Dr Daniel so much despite his wife, after Dr Daniel's treatment, had been cured from her illness. The situation was getting more complex, Dr Daniel was forced to tell the secret he had kept for many years.
At the end of this novel, it would be revealed all relationships which we thought random in the beginning.

Friday, 30 November 2007

My Heart for Grandma

Nenek saya terkena kanker. Memang usianya sudah lanjut, tapi tetap saja saya merasa sangat sedih karena banyak hal... Saya adalah orang yang jarang merasa sedih, apapun yang terjadi. Tapi kali ini, saya benar-benar sedih.
My grandma has been diagnosed with cancer. Indeed she is old, but still, I feel very sad because of many things... I am a person who seldom feels sad, no matter what happens. But this time around, I feel very, very sad.

Waktu menulis novel ini, beberapa bulan sebelum diagnosis dokter, saya ingat kejadian indah di masa kecil, saat nenek mengajak adik(2) dan saya ke Semarang. Tepatnya suasana Pasar Gang Baru. Itulah poin utama yang menghubungkan plot cerita dua tokoh utama. Jadi, kupersembahkan novel ini untuk nenek.

When writing this novel, months before we knew about her cancer, I recalled a sweet memory when she brought my sister(s) and me to Semarang. Gang Baru Market, to be precise. That is the main point that connects the story plot of the two main leads. Hence, I dedicated this novel for her.

My tribute for grandma, forever in my heart.

Nggak sabar agar bisa memberikan novel ini ke tangan nenek (moga-moga tahun depan)...
Can't wait to be able to give this novel to my grandma (hopefully next year)...

Wednesday, 28 November 2007

Contract Signed

Kontrak juga sudah ditanda tangani dengan Penerbit Cupid (sama seperti Sydney, Pelabuhan Darling). Sebenarnya sayalah yang malas mengeposkan -- it was supposed to be signed since June 2007 hahahah =D

Perlu asisten buat admin novel...
Yunisa yang overloaded di kantor

Monday, 25 June 2007

Not a teen-lit, but it's all about CONNECTIVITY

You can read this novel from back to front, front to back, or from the middle -- up to you! It is guaranteed that you won't get confused as it is "reader's friendly", my sisters said. What you need is just to find THE CONNECTION.

All events that seem abstract, random are actually connected in this novel.
Anda bisa membaca novel ini dari belakang ke depan, depan ke belakang atau dari tengah -- terserah Anda! Dijamin Anda tidak akan bingung karena novel ini "ramah terhadap pembaca", kata adik-adik saya. Yang Anda perlukan hanyalah temukan HUBUNGANNYA.

Semua kejadian yang keliatannya abstrak, acak sebenarnya terhubung di dalam novel ini.

Sabar ya, lagi nego sama satu Penerbit karena saya mau Hak Penerjemahan ada di tangan saya.
Please be patient coz I'm in negotiation process with a Publisher as I want to retain my translation right.